Board of Secondary Education Manipur (BSEM)
Last Date: 08.06.2021
Board of Secondary Education Manipur
(BSEM), Imphal has invited application
for the recruitment 14 posts of Section Officer, Assistant Section Officer
(Assistant Programmer), Accountant, LDA/Data Assistant and Grade-IV Vacancies
in regular basis through sponsorship of the Employment Exchanges concerned in
the Board of Secondary Education Manipur.

BSEM Manipur Vacancy 2021 Details
1. Section Officer
No. of Posts: 02 (UR)
Qualification & Desirable: Graduate from a recognized University. Experience in Examination work. Official experience with knowledge of accounts. Knowledge of working with Computer Application.
Pay Scale: Pay Matrix Level 9 (9300-34800, GP 4400)
2. Assistant Section Officer (Assistant Programmer)
No. of Post: 01 (UR)
Qualification & Desirable: MCA/BE (Computer Science/Information Technology)/M.Sc. IT/ M.Sc. Computer Science with 3 years service experience in a reputed firm (IT/Computer) or institution using VB/, SQL Server 2012 or above/Oracle. Working experience with, VB.NET, C#, PHP, Sql Server, My Sql, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery, plugins. Experience in Examination work.
Pay Scale: Pay Matrix Level 8
(9300-34800, GP 4300)
3. Accountant
No. of Post: 01
Qualification & Desirable: Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce from a recognized University/ Institution. Certificate in Tally Accounting Software. Knowledge of MS-Office. Knowledge of Manipuri, Hindi and English.
Pay Scale: Pay
Matrix Level 5 (5200-20200, GP 2400)
4. LDA/Data Assistant
No. of Posts: 04 (UR: 02, ST: 01,
OBC-Meitei: 01)
Qualification & Desirable: Graduate
from a recognized University. Proficiency in using MS word /PageMaker and
Computer Operation. Minimum computer typing speed of 30 wpm. Knowledge of
Manipuri, Hindi and English.
Pay Scale: Pay Matrix Level 4 (5200-20200, GP 2000)
5. Grade-IV (Peon & Sweeper)
No. of Posts: 06 (UR: 03, ST: 02,
OBC-Meitei Pangal: 01)
Qualification & Desirable: Matriculate
from a recognized Board. Knowledge of Manipuri.
Pay Scale: Pay Matrix Level 1 (4440-7440, GP 1600)
Age limit of BSEM Manipur Recruitment
Age limit for all posts minimum 21 years (18 years for Grade-IV) and maximum 38 years (as on 20-04-2021) relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates.
Note: The date of birth filled by the candidate in the application form must be the same as recorded in his/her Matriculate Certificate issued by a recognized Board/Council of the State or Central Government.
Eligibility Condition of BSEM Manipur Recruitment
a) The candidate must be a citizen of India.
b) The candidate must be able to speak Manipuri or any of the
tribal dialects of Manipur.
c) The candidate must be a permanent resident of Manipur, provided
that a candidate whose parents or any of his/her direct lineage are permanent
residents of the State, with proper documentary proof like enrollment in the
electoral roll and birth certificate will also be eligible.
Scheme of Exam of BSEM Manipur Recruitment
1. Section Officer
Subjects: General English, General Knowledge, Logical Reasoning,
General aptitude, Computer Basic. (All Multiple Choice Questions).
Total Marks: 150
Duration: 3 hours
2. Assistant Section Officer (Assistant Programmer)
Subjects: General English, General Aptitude, Programming concepts,
Operating System, Computer networks, Software engineering, Database concepts
and queries. (All Multiple Choice Questions).
Total Marks: 150
Duration: 3 hours
3. Accountant
Subjects: General English, General Knowledge, Accountancy and book
keeping, General Economics, Mathematics/Statistics, Computer Basics. (All
Multiple Choice Questions).
Total Marks: 100
Duration: 2 hours
4. LDA/Data Assistant
Subjects: General English, General Knowledge, Basic Mathematics
(up to Class X standard), Computer Basics. (Multiple Choice Questions +
Computer (Practical)) (Only those candidates who have been declared successful
in written test will be allowed to sit in the Computer (Practical) test).
Total Marks: 100
Duration: 2 hours
5. Grade IV (Peon)
Subjects: General Knowledge, Basic Mathematics (up to Class X
standard). (All Multiple Choice Questions).
Total Marks: 100
Duration: 2 hours
General Instruction of BSEM Manipur Recruitment
a) Application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
b) In-service candidates may apply through proper channel. “No Objection Certificate” from the present employer will be required if candidates are serving in Government Department or Public Sector Undertaking or Autonomous Body.
c) Application form not accompanied with prescribed fee or not
submitted in the prescribed format or incomplete in any respect will not be
d) Canvassing for the posts, in any form will be grounded for disqualifications.
How to Apply BSEM Manipur Recruitment
Application form can
be downloaded from the Board’s website (must be printed in
clear legal size paper only) or
can be obtained from the office of the Board from 10 am to 2 pm at fee of cost.
An amount of Rs.100/- has to be paid extra during form submission (Starting
date of issue of form: 10.05.2021).
The willing and eligible candidates should get their names sponsored by
the Employment Exchange
Concerned on or before 21st May, 2021. Thereafter, the sponsored candidates
should submit the duly filled in application form from 11am to 3pm. along with
required self attested copies of educational certificates, marksheets,
SC/ST/OBC candidates and 2 (two) recent passport size photographs on or before
8th June, 2021 to the office of the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur along
with application fee of Rs.500/- for UR/OBC candidates and Rs.400/- for SC/ST
candidates. Candidates applying for more than one post will have to
pay prescribed cost X number of post applied at the time of form submission.
Important Web Links of BSEM Manipur Recruitment
Application Form: Click Here
Detaila Advertisement: Click Here
Official Website: