Recruitment 2023:
Last date: November 23, 2023
North Eastern Indira Gandhi
Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS), Mawdiangdiang,
Shillong has invited online
applications from eligible candidates for filling up the following Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ position on
direct recruitment.

Recruitment 2023 Group B & C Vacancy
Name |
of Posts |
Matrix |
Assistant Accounts Officer |
01 |
Level-7 |
Junior Accounts Officer |
03 |
Level-6 |
Store Keeper |
06 |
Level-6 |
Assistant Dietician |
01 |
Level-6 |
Radiographer |
05 |
Level-6 |
Medical Social Worker |
02 |
Level-6 |
Junior Engineer
(Electrical) |
01 |
Level-6 |
Junior Engineer (Civil) |
01 |
Level-6 |
Physiotherapist |
01 |
Level-6 |
Occupational Therapist |
01 |
Level-6 |
Warden/Lady Warden |
02 |
Level-6 |
Technician Endoscopy |
02 |
Level-6 |
Technician (Nuclear
Medicine) |
04 |
Level-6 |
Health Inspector |
01 |
Level-6 |
Pharmacist |
05 |
Level-5 |
ECG Technician |
02 |
Level-5 |
Junior Laboratory
Technician |
12 |
Level-5 |
Radiotherapy Technician |
04 |
Level-5 |
Jr. Hindi Translator |
01 |
Level-5 |
Technical Assistant |
02 |
Level-5 |
Registration Clerk |
01 |
Level-4 |
Data Processing Assistant
Grade-II |
01 |
Level-4 |
Accounting Assistant |
03 |
Level-4 |
Lower Division Clerk |
10 |
Level-2 |
Record Clerk |
07 |
Level-2 |
Dark Room Assistant |
02 |
Level-2 |
CSSD Assistant Grade-II |
02 |
Level-2 |
Mechanic (Air conditioning
& refrigeration) |
01 |
Level-2 |
Recruitment 2023 Group B & C Qualification
Name |
Qualification |
Limit |
Assistant Accounts Officer |
Degree with 3 years’
experience. |
30 years |
Junior Accounts Officer |
Degree with 2 years
experience. |
30 years |
Store Keeper |
Bachelor’s degree/Diploma/
Degree. |
30 years |
Assistant Dietician |
M.Sc. in Food &
Nutrition. |
30 years |
Radiographer |
B.Sc. (Hons) in
Radiography. |
30 years |
Medical Social Worker |
Master Degree with 1 year
experience. |
35 years |
Junior Engineer
(Electrical) |
Bachelor degree in
Engineering. |
30 years |
Junior Engineer (Civil) |
Physiotherapist |
Degree in Physiotherapist |
35 years |
Occupational Therapist |
Degree in Therapist. |
35 years |
Warden/Lady Warden |
Bachelor Degree. |
30 years |
Technician Endoscopy |
10+2 with science with
relevant experience. |
30 years |
Technician (Nuclear
Medicine) |
B.Sc. in any discipline. |
30 years |
Health Inspector |
BA/B.Sc. with 1 1/2 years
training course. |
30 years |
Pharmacist |
Bachelor degree in
Pharmacy. |
30 years |
ECG Technician |
B.Sc. with Physics. |
30 years |
Junior Laboratory
Technician |
BMLT or B.Sc. with
concerned subject. |
30 years |
Radiotherapy Technician |
B.Sc. in Medical
Technology. |
30 years |
Jr. Hindi Translator |
Master’s degree in Hindi/
English. |
30 years |
Technical Assistant |
B.Sc. in OT Technology. |
30 years |
Registration Clerk |
Graduate with years of
experience. |
30 years |
Data Processing Assistant
Grade-II |
Bachelors’ degree with 1
year computer application. |
30 years |
Accounting Assistant |
Graduate from a recognized
university. |
18 to 27 years |
Lower Division Clerk |
12th class
or equivalent. A typing speed of 35 wpm. |
18 to 27 years |
Record Clerk |
30 years |
Dark Room Assistant |
Matriculation with 1 year
experience. |
30 years |
CSSD Assistant Grade-II |
12th with
science with one year of experience. |
18 to 27 years |
Mechanic (Air conditioning
& refrigeration) |
Matriculation with 1 year
experience. |
18 to 27 years |
Application Fee of NEIGRIHMS
Shillong Recruitment 2023 Group B & C
- General/OBC
Candidates – Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only)
Candidates – Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty only)
- Persons with
Disabilities – Exempted.
Candidates are
requested to apply only online against this advertisement through the link
provided by visiting the institute’s website
or through direct link and not to write to the
institute for application forms. All applicants must fulfill the essential
requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement.
They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess
at least the essential qualifications and fulfill the essential experience
criteria, wherever applicable as laid down for various posts. Candidate
should take a printout of the application form for their records and to be
submitted to the Institute, at any stage, if required by the institute.
Important dates of NEIGRIHMS Shillong
Recruitment 2023
- Starting date of
online applications: 03.11.2023
- Closing date of
online applications: 23.11.2023
Those who wish
to apply are advised to go through the below official notification in detail
before submitting applications.
Online Application
Link |
Notification |